Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Remove virus like iframe on your site and ftp

Remove virus like iframe on your site and ftp

Now a days i am hearing a problem of virus/malware on many website & ftp.

How my website is getting virus?
  1. May be your website is being hacked.
  2. May be your pages are affected.
  3. May be the system from where you are uploading & downloading is being affected.

The solution for this are as follows or the steps are as follows
  1. Download your website backup.
  2. Keep this backup in other place also on a clean system
  3. Open your index/default/login pages because most of the iframe/malware affect them.
  4. Search for the iframe tags which you don't implemented, remove them.
  5. You will mostly find them at the end of file.
Setting read only permission
  1. Select the file.
  2. Right click on it.
  3. Go to properties.
  4. Set the permission of readonly so that iframe tag cannot be apply on it.
Next is what
  1. Change your ftp username & password
  2. Set your password very carefully & include special character like @,_,-,$ etc.
Reply me if you are having any problem i will reply you ASAP.
